The Lukla curse continues..!! We ventured out to the airport early this morning for our flight to Lukla, arriving at 7am and finding some joy in hearing the airport and airline staff optimistic about flights today into Lukla. The morning disappeared quickly as we waited for fog to clear from Kathmandu. Just when the sun broke through and the first flight departed (how I wish we had have been on it), we were told that Lukla was now starting to deteriorate. (Has this been a pattern on previous trips...?). At 12.45pm, we receive that horrible, deflating announcement. "Lukla closed".
Now some of the team are able to accept this and put on a happy face. Others in the team who are more desperately keen to start putting some kilometers into their flashy new boots take on a look that requires immediate sympathy and friendly support..!! (Paulene is very good at providing this). We now have to keep our spirits up and hope tomorrow is more successful. Another 5.45 awakening and into the taxis at 6.30.
Sammy is seriously keeping us amused. He has warmed to Kathmandu and is mixing it with the locals very well. (Many know him by first name already).
Ok, hopes for tomorrow....!!