We left at 8.30 after a breakfast of porridge for David and vegetable omelet for Blair and myself. Not to forget our 5 minutes of speech to help Blair with his letter sounds.
We have just returned from our acclimatisation walk. Blair can't remember it being that hard last year. Told him it's a bit like childbirth, you forget about it until you go back again.
We had a view of Everest along with the standard pot of hot chocolate that cost $15 for the pot.
A sprinkling of snow left over from last night that David thought he might try and write his name whilst relieving himself. Came back quite chuffed, although he had none left to dot the "i". Bit of team work boys and it could be done.
It's warmed up to 2.8 inside. We have just had lunch and about to get changed into our warm gear and head down to the bakery.
More photos to come.